We will propose the optimal program for their current circumstances that maximize the chance for achieving the desired outcome. This approach helps to efficiently mitigate the risks associated with the project.

MedPharm stands out as having a philosophy which links formulation design closely with drug and product design:

Drug design
Clinical relevance of target
Drug potency and permeation
Prototypes and clinical models
Formulation design
Pharmaceutical quality
Therapeutic quality
Product design
Science and technology


At MedPharm, we will work with our clients’ to establish the target product profile to ensure all important factors are considered from a very early stage in the development. Additionally, ensuring that key final product characteristics are incorporated from the start. Key elements in the target product profile are:

Target Product Profile
Organoleptic properties
Target site of action
Systemic toxicity
Clinical performance
API and excipient source and quality
Cost of goods
Target shelf life
Target marketing territories
Technical performance
Formulation type
Packaging or delivery device
Route of delivery
Target populations
Known co-morbidities
Therapeutic indication